Wildlife Guides and Resources

Fun engaging learning resources to help children and adults connect with nature.

We have created a suite of science activities and wildlife watching that can all be done close to home whether you live by the coast or not. Dive in and explore. If you would like more information on any of the resources below please email Charlotte at marineengagement@seabird.org.

Migration is all about the movement of animals from one place to another. In this pack we will look at how and why a range of birds and animals found in or around the sea make these journeys. We will answer questions such as: What does migration involve? Why do birds and other animals do it? How do they do it? Answers revealed, plus fun activities inside!

Dive-in Packs - Climate, Sustainability and Citizen Science

Our seasonal Dive-in packs are filled with fun and engaging marine-themed resources tailored for Primary years (P1-P7). The Marine Conservation and Science Careers pack and the Fish, Shellfish & Fisheries pack is for late primary and seconary pupils.

Dive-In Packs - Seasonal Wildlife and Plants

Our seasonal Dive-in packs are filled with fun and engaging marine-themed resources tailored for Primary years (P1-P7).

As part of Dundee Science Festival 2020 we created a suite of new STEM learning resources focussed on the Climate Crisis and how this is impacting the marine environment. Easy to try out at home or at school and available HERE.

Things to spot

Use our spotter sheets to identify the wildlife, plants, seaweeds and shells you can see along the coast.

Bringing the Marine Environment into your home

We've also created a collection of resources designed to bring the joy and wonder of our marine wildlife to those not able to experience it for themselves.

This pack has been shared with care homes around the country and a version is available for free to anyone in need of a little escape HERE.

Things to do - help to conserve our marine wildlife

Do you want to take action to help save our amazing marine environment? There are lots of ways you can help conserve and protect our seas, as an individual or as a family. Find out more in our Take Action for our Seas guide here.

We've teamed up with the Marine Conservation Society to bring you this brilliant video about how you can organise a beach clean, contribute to citizen science, and help to protect marine wildlife.

Things to watch

Our fun new whiteboard animation series, highlights key facts about some of our most iconic seabirds, all in under 5 minutes. Kicking off with the UK's largest seabird, the Northern gannet and the clowns of the sea the puffins.

The life of a Northern Gannet.

The life of an Atlantic Puffin.

A beginners guide to birdwatching and engaging with nature from the comfort of your own home!

To go alongside this birdwatching video, our beginners guide to birdwatching also provides lots of tips on getting started and is perfect for all ages.

Find out more about seagrass in our latest Seaside Science video.

Find out more about camouflage in this Seaside Science video.

Discover more about ocean acidification in this Seaside Science video.

Blubber is an amazing substance. Find out more about how it works by watching Fran, our Education Officer, demonstrate an easy experiment you can do at home.

Things to read

We've collated some of our favourite marine themed books into our Seabird Centre reading list. A mix of fact and fiction with options for all ages.

Dive in and learn more HERE.

We love hearing new book recommendations, so please share your favourites with us via Twitter or Facebook.

Take part

60 seconds in Nature - Are you up to the challenge?

We’re bringing the outdoors inside with our new 60 seconds in Nature challenge. It’s easy! Follow the steps in the attached document and record the top facts on your chosen Scottish wild animal or plant, all within a minute!

If you (and your responsible adult ) are happy for us to share your video with others , send it to us by email and we’ll post it on our social media pages so that everyone can enjoy your 60 seconds in nature. Have fun!

If you need some inspiration visit our YouTube channel here.

For more information email Emily Burton on conservationprojects@seabird.org

Things to keep you busy

Keep busy with these marine themed puzzles and word challenges.

Puffin Puzzle.

Things to borrow

We have boxes of marine resources available for schools and community groups to borrow free of charge to help raise awareness about UK seas. Boxes tailored to Primary and Secondary levels.

Marine Loan Box
Marine Loan Box
© Charlotte Foster

If you woud like further information on our resources please contact Charlotte, our marine engagement officer, at marineengagement@seabird.org

Support our work
If you enjoy using our resources and would like to support our work, please consider making a donation to our JustGiving page. Thank you for anything you can afford.