Calidris canutus
What do they look like?
A stocky wading bird slightly larger than a Turnstone. Knots have short, greenish-yellow legs and are grey in winter with pale, faintly speckled bellies and fairly long, straight black beaks. They have a pale stripe, like an eyebrow, above either eye. In Summer, their white bellies and face become a bright brick-red and their grey back turns browner.
When can I see them in Scotland?
You can see Knots in the UK over winter and during migration. They are less likely to be seen in the summer, as they mostly breed in the Arctic.
Where can I see them in Scotland?
In Scotland, you are most likely to find them along the east coast where they congregate on estuaries to feed.
Conservation status
In the UK, bird species with breeding, passage or wintering populations are assessed by experts and assigned to Red, Amber or Green lists of conservation concern. Knots are currently an ‘AMBER’ listed species.