Winter Wonders Wildlife Tours

Join our Conservation Officer for a wildlife wander along the coast to find out more about the wonderful wild animals that can be spotted around Scotland's shores, as part of the Winter Wonder activity taking place at the Scottish Seabird Centre.

Learn more about birds, scan the sea for whales and dolphins, and peek into the pools along the rocky shore. Everyone is welcome to ask questions, share their knowledge and experiences, or simply unwind and enjoy the wildlife.

Friendly, quiet dogs are welcome, but we ask that they are kept on a short lead throughout.

Winter Wonders Wildlife Tour dates: 9 February & 10 March, 10am - 11.30am.


The tour will start and finish inside the Scottish Seabird Centre at the Winter Wonder exhibition space. Enjoy a short talk indoors about the wildlife and then an outdoor venture, taking participants on a return journey along Milsey Bay beach. Tours will vary depending on the wildlife around and the particular interests of the participants, but a variety of species and habitats will be explored and discussed.

What will we provide?

Binoculars (for the duration of the event), wildlife ID sheets, alcohol hand-gel (if needed).

What do you need to bring?

Sturdy boots or shoes, clothing appropriate for the weather outside, a drink, any medication you may need, a mobile phone, sun protection (good weather days).


We will be on the move for around 90 minutes during this tour, and the route includes some gentle slopes, uneven sand, rocky ground, and slippy surfaces. We will always try to adjust the pace and the route to make sure that everyone is comfortable, but please let us know in advance if you have questions or concerns. You can direct queries to

We are delighted that, thanks to the incredible work of the team at Beach Wheelchairs, all of our coastal wildlife tours are now accessible for wheelchair users (subject to availability). To discuss available equipment and book a session to coincide with this event, get in touch with the Beach Wheelchair volunteers on: or give them a call on: 0300 111 2112. They have a range of adapted manual wheelchairs and an all terrain power wheelchair that can be used both directly and with attendant controls. They also have a hoist. The experienced volunteers will chat through options with you to make sure you get the best experience possible.

A helper or carer assisting a wheelchair user can come along to this event for free - please select the Wheelchair Helper/Carer ticket option when you book.

What if my event is cancelled?

If this event is cancelled due to poor weather conditions, we will get in touch with you the day before to let you know. On rare occasions, we may be in touch on the day of the tour (if there is a change in the forecast). Please keep an eye on your emails prior to the event. You will be refunded.

Photo credit: Karen Bates ; Rose Murdoch