Seagrass Seed Processing: Indoor Sessions

With Restoration Forth

Join the Restoration Forth team for an indoor session to learn all about seagrass, the marine super plant! Volunteers will assist with extracting seagrass seeds from plant material ready for them to be used in seeding trials across the Firth of Forth. You can also find out more about our trial restoration site at Belhaven Bay and how to get involved in conserving this valuable coastal habitat.

  • Monday 28 October, 10.30am - 12.30pm & 2pm - 4pm
  • Tuesday 19 November, 2pm - 4pm
  • Friday 22 November, 10.30am - 12.30pm & 2pm - 4pm

Event description

This indoor session will take place in the Scottish Seabird Centre’s learning hub. The Learning Hub is located directly adjacent to our office building and next to the Ladies public toilets. Look for the green Puffin door across the lawn! If you are lost, please head to the Centre's main entrance and our friendly staff will assist you with directions.

This activity will include a short introduction to seagrass and Restoration Forth by our Seagrass Officer, Eleri. You will learn the importance of seagrass ecosystems and the benefits they provide to our coastal environments. This will lead into the main activity which involves separating seeds from the rest of the plant material. The seeds will then be stored over the winter, before they are used in planting trials across the Firth of Forth in spring 2025.


We anticipate the activity to last approximately 2 hours, however there is no expectation to stay for the entirety of the event. Most of this event will take place in the Seabird Centre learning hub which is wheelchair accessible.

This involves repetitive manual handling of small plant seeds (approximately the size of sesame seeds). There will be an optional opportunity to visit our seed processing facilities at the Lobster Hatchery in the harbour, however this section of the activity is not wheelchair friendly due to uneven ground and slippy surfaces.

Please Eleri at if you have specific accessibility needs.

Ticket Information

Attendees will be expected to register for this event.

This session is open anyone over 12 years old, but children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

What if this session is cancelled?

If this event is cancelled, we will get in touch to let you know. Please keep an eye on your emails prior to the event.

If you can no longer attend this event, please let us know as soon as possible.

Photography and filming

Please note that we may be taking photos at this session to document our marine engagement work. Participants can opt out of being filmed by informing a team member on the morning of the event.

Who we are:

Restoration Forth is a major marine restoration programme working with communities to restore seagrass habitats and European flat oyster populations in the Firth of Forth. Our goal is to inspire and give agency to community members from around the Forth to participate in and lead on restoration activities in the marine environment. Restoration Forth is managed by WWF Scotland but is a partnership of scientific institutions, environmental charities, and community hubs. Restoration Forth is funded by: Aviva, the ScottishPower Foundation, the Moondance Foundation and supported by the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund.

Need more information?

If you have any further questions please email Eleri at

Learn How to Monitor Seagrass
Join the Restoration Forth team for an outdoor session to learn all about seagrass, the marine super plant! Attendees will learn about this great habitat-forming species, how to spot it and how to monitor its health over time.

  • Header and Listing Image (c) Jamie McDermaid