Marine Fest - Sensory Herbal Workshop: Seaside Memories

Rosmarinus, known to us as Rosemary, means Rose of the Sea.  This well-known culinary herb also has properties which are healing to mind and body which are far less widely appreciated - Rosemary has a special affinity for the seaside as well as supporting our memory, cognitive function and sensory system, and being energising and uplifting.  

Join us for a sensory herbal workshop as part of Marine Fest ‘24. The session will include opportunities to taste the herbs we discuss, with a herbal infusion inspired by the seaside and a Rosemary Gingerbread biscuit. 

  • Friday 7th June, 10:00 - 11:30am
  • Location: Marquee outside the Scottish Seabird Centre

Liz from the Honeybee Sanctuary will lead a sensory herbalism workshop experience where we will explore Rosemary in detail and make 3 herbal preparations to take home and enjoy.  

  • A booklet of notes exploring the tastes and energetics of Rosemary, Thyme and Yarrow, three coastal herbs to get familiar with, along with local foraging suggestions.
  • Rosemary supports memory and cognitive function, so we'll combine it with other locally sourced seasonal herbs to make a bespoke Seaside herbal tea blend
  • Rosemary and Sea-salt make a wonderful combination, bringing a taste of fresh seaside air to your potatoes or summer sizzles! 
  • A symbol of friendship and remembrance, we'll make a herbal bouquet to give and share, exploring herb combinations and their language. 
  • To finish, you'll either prepare a Rosemary cutting or select another coastal herb to take home with an invitation to continue exploring plants with purpose through the senses. 

Liz uses sensory herbalism as an inclusive and inter-generational way to facilitate experiences in connecting with plants for health and wellbeing; you don't need to have any past experience of herbs, knowledge of plants, or green fingers! This is an opportunity to enjoy getting familiar with a few coastal herbs which in turn will inspire you to keep exploring! 

The workshop is about inspiring connection with nature through plants with purpose.

The ticket price includes a contribution towards the Scottish Seabird Centre’s environmental and conversation work as part of Marine Fest 2024.

Marine Fest 2024
Check out our main Marine Fest page for information about a whole host of other fantastic events and the full 2024 programme.