Land-based Projects
Looking for other projects to get stuck into? We’ve created a list containing some of the most widespread marine citizen science projects you can get involved in across the country…
Projects vary in purpose, size, complexity, type of research, and level of commitment. There really is something for everyone!
Not everybody lives near the coast, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of projects to get involved with closer to home!
- Big Butterfly Count - (Butterfly Conservation) Count butterflies to help assess the environment's health.
- Big Garden Birdwatch - (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) Count the birds you spot in your garden or local area during this annual event.
- Bugs Matter – (Kent Wildlife Trust) Monitor insects from as close to home as your balcony or back garden.
- Birds and Debris – Help track how human debris (such as plastic, glass, metals and other man-made fragments) are affecting bird populations by reporting entanglements or litter in nests.
- Nesting Neighbours – (British Trust for Ornithology) Monitor the number of eggs and chicks that you find in nests in your garden and keep an eye on them throughout the season. REMEMBER: birds are protected by law when they’re nesting and raising chicks so it is essential that you monitor them safely without causing them harm.