Marine Projects

Looking for other projects to get stuck into? We’ve created a list containing some of the most widespread marine citizen science projects you can get stuck into across the country…

Projects vary in purpose, size, complexity, type of research, and level of commitment. There really is something for everyone!


With over 18,000 km of coastline and a variety of coastal habitats, Scotland has a lot to gain from marine citizen science projects.

Looking for something you can do outdoors? Grab your wellies, binoculars and clipboards for the following opportunities at a beach of your choosing.

Rocky Shores:

Three young people search the rockpools around North Berwick, with Craigleith island visible in the background
An incredible array of life can be found in rockpools. Rockpooling isn't just for kids!
Jamie McDermaid

Sandy Shores:

Marine Litter Surveys:

Below the Waves:

Two snorkellers as seen beneath the water's surface, pointing at something amongst the seaweed
If you're a keen swimmer, snorkelling might be for you!
Chris Jones, Scottish Wildlife Trust
Header Images (c) Jamie McDermaid