Meet Emma

Conservation Officer

27 May 2024

Meet our fantastic Conservation Officer, Emma! Emma plays a key role in helping to protect Scotland's incredible marine habitats and wildlife, and inspiring others to help.

What's Your Role?

I work as part of the Scottish Seabird Centre's Conservation Team, carrying out various conservation activities on the local islands and along East Lothian's coastline to help protect the incredible habitats and species that call this area home. Sometimes you'll find me out on the islands, but you're more likely to see me with volunteers, scooping litter off the beach or on a Shorewatch - scanning the sea for whales and dolphins in the name of citizen science!

Emma undertaking an early morning Shorewatch.
(c) Emma Marriot

What’s your favourite thing about working here?

What's not to love? The location, the people I meet and work with (whether it's my enthusiastic colleagues or tireless volunteers), the habitats and wildlife I'm helping to protect—they're all truly wonderful and inspirational, and I couldn't imagine a lovelier or more rewarding place to work.

Emma carrying out maintenance work on Craigleith.
(c) Jamie McDermaid

What’s your favourite marine species?

It might sound cliche, but for me it has to be grey seals! Growing up by the sea, I was lucky to see them regularly in the harbour near my childhood home and was enamoured by the stories of selkies which my parents liked to regale me with. I was forever on the lookout for their sleek grey heads bobbing at the surface on a still day, their large, dark eyes noticing everything. I was especially delighted by their soft snorting as they blew out sharp breaths and sucked in the salty sea air... and I still am!

A grey seal popping its head up.
(c) Jamie McDermaid

You can find out more about our conservation work here.

Our team at the Scottish Seabird Centre is made up of a fantastic group of staff, trustees, and ambassadors. Meet the rest of them here.