Meet Jack

Education Officer

6 May 2024

Meet our brilliant Education Officer, Jack! Jack plays a key role in teaching others about Scotland's marine environment and inspiring them to help protect it. Read on to find out more about the work he does and what he enjoys most about it.

What's Your Role?

I am the Education Officer here at the Scottish Seabird Centre. I teach people of all ages about Scotland’s marine environment and what we can do to protect it.

You’ll often find me exploring the rockpools with a group of learners - even in the pouring rain!

Jack introducing our Holiday Club to some rockpool creatures.
(c) Helen Pugh

What’s your favourite thing about working here?

I love learning about marine science and sharing this with others is incredibly rewarding. The students I teach come out with such random, amazing facts. Also, can I ever really complain if my job is playing on the beach all day?

Jack running an outdoor Holiday Club session on the beach.
(c) Jamie McDermaid

What’s your favourite marine species?

I think Risso’s dolphins are cool.

Dolphins in general are really interesting and I just find the intraspecific relationships between Risso’s dolphins fascinating.

A Risso's dolphin.
(c) Emma Steel

You can find out more about our education work, including online resources, here.

Our team at the Scottish Seabird Centre is made up of a fantastic group of staff, trustees, and ambassadors. Meet the rest of them here.

Header and Listing Images (c) Helen Pugh